Student Responsibilities 
While students are awarded rights during their time at Langara College, they are also expected to adhere to responsibilities noted within the Langara Standards of Student Conduct. 

All Langara students are responsible for: 

  • Abiding by Langara College policies, and following local, provincial, and federal laws
  • Conducting themselves with honesty, integrity, civility, and respect 
  • Contributing to a safe, respectful, and inclusive College environment by ensuring that they do not threaten or endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any person
  • Familiarizing themselves with all relevant College policies, course outlines, evaluation methods, and College timetables
  • Following all health and safety procedures outlines for classrooms, laboratories, college facilities, field trips, and practicum 
  • Keeping the College informed of their current contact information
  • Making responsible decisions about their behaviour, and taking responsibility for their actions
  • Reading emails sent to their Langara account
  • Resolving disagreements respectfully by communicating with the appropriate College department or personnel   
  • Showing student identification if requested 
  • Using Langara’s computing system and network responsibly and for it’s intended purpose 
Acknowledgment: The above information has been adapted from Student Rights and Responsibilities, Safe Student Community. (n.d.). Retrieved July 04, 2016, from